if you don't frequent my personal blog then it is probably news to you that i am expecting. surprise! i am nearing twenty-seven weeks and if you hadn't guessed yet, we will now be adding pink to our home!
i've been slowly working on putting together baby girl's nursery. i have a deep love for vintage but i also want it to have a modern feel to it. hopefully it turns out just as i hope.
here is some bunting that i made with corresponding fabrics from her crib quilt. they are all from vintage linens that i've collected over the years. i'm so happy with how the it, as well as the quilt, turned out.
bunting is so simple and can add huge character and charm to any room in the house. i'm hoping for some spare time in the next couple of weeks so that i can come up with an easy to follow pattern to share with you all.
are you working on any projects?? do share!